Oral Surgery
If you are suffering from a dental issue that may require special attention, your may need an board-certified maxillofacial and oral surgeon. This may sound like a very serious issue and you may feel anxious.
However, do not be alarmed, these types of doctors (oral surgeons) can treat you with care and are experienced in wisdom tooth removal, dental extractions, dental implants, and much more.
What is an oral surgery?
It is a form of dental treatment that deals with injuries, defects and diseases around the neck, jaw and face regions. Most dental procedures performed in a dental office or hospital are considered as oral surgery.
Why do you need oral surgery?
There are many instances where you may need the services of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.
You might need oral surgery for several reasons, which may include:
- Tooth Extractions
- Dental Implants
- Corrective Jaw Surgery
- Treatment of impacted wisdom teeth
- Treatment of TMJ/TMD or facial pain
- Bone Grafting
- Dental Infections
Why Choose Friendly Dental Group for your Oral Surgery?
As a patient you need quality dental treatment. Friendly Dental Group partners with Oral Surgery Associates of Charlotte and that is what they offer.
They have experienced certified-board oral and maxillofacial surgeons. They are keen when it comes to performing oral surgery. Their procedures are tailored to be as pain-free as possible!
What should you expect before an oral surgery procedure?
Before your surgery you will first be provided with an outlined treatment plan. The oral and maxillofacial surgeon will discuss anesthesia options with you and address any questions you might have about the surgery.
In most cases, however, oral surgeries are done under anesthesia to ensure you do not experience any discomfort.
What should you expect after an oral surgery procedure?
An oral surgery is not different from other surgeries as there is a recovery period. Hence you are required to rest and keep off from any strenuous activity for a while. You may also need to arrange for someone to pick you up after the surgery if you will be under anesthesia, as you may feel tired and drowsy.
The oral and maxillofacial surgeon will prescribe additional medicine to aid in your recovery. If you follow all the instructions that will be provided you will be back to your normal routine in no time.
At Oral Surgery Associates of Charlotte they offer oral surgery, restore comfort and health to their patients. Their team of highly experienced doctors are committed to providing patients in the Charlotte and surrounding areas with high quality care.
If you have any dental issues you can book an appointment with them today by calling 704-549-8020 or visit their website below for more information.
5700 University Pointe Blvd, Suite 104
Charlotte, NC 28262
PH: 704-549-8020